Saturday, August 4, 2007

Greetings from London!!

Lots to catch up on.... I've been traveling a lot this past week, so I didnt have many opportunities for internet access. Spent my last weekend in Sarajevo laying low. Went out with the older DU students one last time, and had an absolute blast. Other than that, just hung out, packed, cleaned the apartment and ate lots of my favorite ice cream. :)

Caught my bus to Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sunday night. Got in early Monday morning, and spent the day wandering the town and climbing up to this beautiful castle with views overlooking the whole city. It rained in the afternoon and evening, so I hung out at the hostel and met some really fun British guys who gave me the scoop on what to expect in London and some tips on great places to go and see.

Got to do more sightseeing on Tuesday.... I absolutely loved Ljubljana. It's such a beautiful town, and the people are so friendly. It seemed so much more positive and clean that Sarajevo. It's amazing to me that things can be so different, even in countries so close.... heck, they used to be the same country. Just a completely different mentality and attitude. Did some shopping and wandering, had dinner with the British boys, then went to bed early so I could catch my 8 am train.

Spent the next afternoon in Vienna.... basically just had lunch, walked a bit, and went back to the train station. Had some local bratwurst, but wasn't too impressed. Think I'll stick with Johnsonville. :) Didn't really get to see too much of the town, but not sure I'm a huge fan.

Caught my flight to London that night with no problems, and made it to my hostel at about 11 PM. I've spent the last two days sightseeing and walking the city.... and I absolutely love it. Its so great to be in a city again, and around English speaking people, but it's still so different than being back in the states. Again, everything is so clean, and the people have such pride in everything.... their country, their sports, their appearance, and especially their city. I've met some people at the hostel, and did a pub crawl with a group last night... lots of fun! Let me tell you though, I thought I had a tolerance until I drank with Brits and Australians. I definitely cannot hang.

Ok, internet time is running out.... doing more sighseeing today, then hopefully a play tonight!! Only 4 more days!!!!

1 comment:

susan said...

so the brits drink more than you?? sounds like you had fun. i know you are already home, but its always fun to read comments!
did you bring home a nice little british boy for your aunt susan?