Monday, March 17, 2008

Update on the last 8 months...

Well, since I've got a lot going on and some more travel in the works for the next few months, I thought I'd take a chance to update anyone who reads this (Susan) on what's happening in the world of Rachel.

My time is pretty much consumed by job searching and school right now. I'm currently in Boston, but heading home tomorrow and finishing up my last paper for spring quarter. Then after a fun weekend down in Arizona, I begin my last quarter in grad school!! (Until I begin a Ph.D. program that is.) I'm looking forward to next quarter a lot, because I'm really interested in both of my classes, and it'll be nice to have a light load of only 7 credits. It seems like this whole graduate program has gone mighty fast though...

Speaking of, I'm actively job searching in hopes of having a full-time position lined up before graduation. Ideally I won't start a position until July 7th, but I would feel a lot better if I was already committed to a job by then. I've been applying for lots of jobs in research and data management, and I've had a few interviews for positions I'm waiting to hear back about:
-Research Analyst at Tufts (Boston) - great job, I loved the staff, but the office was a windowless basement room, and it would involve a move (though the money would probably be excellent). Should know within the next few weeks.
-Assistant Director of Admissions, Metro State College of Denver - loved this position too, thought it's not what I had originally intended to do. The more I learn though, the more I think I'd like to work at Metro and in this position. Would have a lot of opportunities for growth, and I think the pay would be pretty good.
-CO Dept. of Higher Ed - have the potential for two positions here. I interviewed for the Financial Aid Coordinator position for the state, which I think would be an ok job, but I'm worried I'm not as qualified as they would like. However, a week after my interview, I got a call from another guy in the office asking if I'd be interested in meeting with him regarding another position, with a program that supports low-income middle and high schools students in preparing for college, then provides scholarships. I like the work the program is doing, but I still need to find out more about the position....

So those are the things on my plate right now.. I'm still keeping an eye out for positions in Boston and Denver as they open up, but I'm hoping to hear back about these few jobs first before actively pursuing anything else.

Also starting to plan some travel for June, between graduation and new job start date, but more on that later...


susan said...

here i am leaving a comment!!
sounds like quite a few opportunities!! i hope whichever one you like the most works out for you. we are still planning on coming out in june for your grad.
glad to see you blogging again.
oh yea i just got a vintage crepe maker from ebay, so we had strawberry crepes for dessert tonight!!

susan said...

ok, thats one post......more please. that is when you are done vacationing..... you are the most vacationed person i that a word?.....well it is now!